For your browsing pleasure.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: I’ve never regretted a minute spent browsing the SEP. Click here to visit a random page and begin your wanderings.
L.M. Sacasas is the rare philosopher of technology who manages to avoid both '"Luddist”-type hysteria and thoughtless, anti-Luddist hype. Start with his measured take on the “tech backlash” and flout the 10 Points of Unsolicited Advice for Tech Writers at your own peril.
Andrew Taggart is a practical philosopher on a mission to explain the harms that an ethos of “Total Work” has inflicted on the world. For a good starting point, try If work dominated your every moment would life be worth living?'
David Ferraro offers a multi-faceted critique of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT); as a fairly enthusiastic proponent of CBT I can’t stop thinking about it.
Though “mindfulness” as a value and a practice has grown on me, I don’t meditate and it’s because I fear the Dark Knight of the Soul. After all, why would meditation (unlike anything else in life) offer all benefit, with no risk?
The BPS Research Digest provides consistently even-handed coverage of psych news (replication crisis notwithstanding…)
Just kidding, I avoid consuming “news.” For a good take on this practice, read Nat Eliason here: The News is a Waste of Time
Ramit Sethi is a jerk with niche ideas about how to truly lead a “rich” life. Read his blog and never feel guilty for buying a latte again.
Laura Vanderkam writes about time management in a very broad, get-your-life-in-balance sense. She got my attention years ago as one of the only writers in this space who insists that “time poverty” is largely illusory or surmountable: you really can have a life full of what you want.
Death & Grief
Read About Death: Not long after my dad was diagnosed with incurable, terminal brain cancer (2018), I set out to read and review 100 books about death. This attempt at bibliotherapy will take another couple years.
Byrne Hobart (my husband) is honestly the most interesting person I know. He’s a finance guy with one foot in technology and one in everything else. Check out Byrne’s Best Of (my personal favorite is Optionality is for Innumerate Cowards).