Would It Be Good For You To "Think Less" ?
Thinking “too much” is actually a mixed basket of other, more specific, more tractable problems.

Don't Look on the Bright Side
Looking on the bright side is just another form of the dreaded “black and white” thinking. You don’t have to do it, and you probably shouldn’t.

The Sneaky Subjunctive
Stop begging the question about what your best self would do.

Annual Review 2020
2020 sucked but I managed to earn $30k and have interesting new directions for my business in 2021.

If there is any depth at all to me by now, it's only that which life has carved in.

Don't "Clarify" Your Values
Attempting to clarify your values does more harm than good.

Meaning in Life is Not Propositional
Answers to the "meaning of life" question sit wrong because the question was ill-formed in the first place.

Timebox Your Existential Issues
How to timebox your existential issues - both to feel better and to think better.
Second-Best Solutions
Show up for difficulty when it makes sense, stand down when it doesn't, and become a better person inelegantly rather than not at all.
Stupid Problems, Stupid Solutions
Stupid, cringeworthy problems may demand stupid, cringeworthy solutions.